Thursday, October 20, 2016

Literary Journal Reports

On Tuesday, 11-8, your journal reports are due.

Here is what I'd like you to do for that assignment:

  • Read and research 3 literary journals. There are copies of many of these in the library, but you can also find some online and some at Barnes & Noble. Do NOT research The New Yorker, Tin House, or any of the journals we've discussed in class from BASS or Adam Johnson. You can buy or subscribe to the 2015 Writer's Market, if you want to have a full list. Most Barnes & Noble will have hard copies of these in stock. I like the hard copy over the ebook because this is the kind of book I like to mark and highlight and stick tabs in.
  • Type up the following:
    • The name of each journal you researched
    • The place on the "ladder" as you see it. Is it a top tier journal? Middle? Is it respected? Would an agent read this journal? 
    • The gist of the kind of fiction this journal tends to publish (as far as you can tell) and the work it publishes by authors we might know, and anything that makes the journal unique in your eyes / any aspects of the journal that it would be helpful to know about.
    • Which of the 3 is most appealing to you as you're deciding where to send your short story? Why?
  • Come ready to discuss.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Extra Credit Events

As I've said before, you can get extra participation points by attending writing/author events in the area this semester. To get the points, please write a paragraph or two about the event, and what you took away from it in terms of writing knowledge.

Here's an incomplete list of things I know will be happening in Boise for the few few months. I'll update this as we go along.

October 7th, 7:30 p.m. Vincent Toro, the Cabin. Free admission.

October 13, 7pm. My own event and book signing with the Lady Janies at Bishop Kelly High School. This is a paid event, ($10?) and will have copies of all of our individual books available to sign as well. We have a fun presentation planned. I will give double points for attending this, as well.

October 14th, 7:30 p.m. John Beer, BSU Hemingway building, free admission.

October 15, all day. The Boise Book Festival. I will be there with the Janies. I'm doing a panel on writing "swoon -worthy dialogue" earlier int he day, and signing with the Janies in the afternoon. I will give you double points for attending this one. I think there is a student discount.

October 31, 8-10pm, Campfire Stories at the Modern Hotel. Alan Heathcock and Ryan Cannon.

November 11th, 7:30 p.m. Robin Coste-Lewis, Ming Studios.

November 16, 5-7pm. Colum McCann Meet and Greet, Beside Bardenay, 612 Grove Street, Boise.

November 16, 7:30-9:30 Colum McCann event at the Egyptian Theater, 700 W. Main St., Boise.
 $15-$35 dollars, depending on seats.