Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Few Things

It was such a pleasure to meet you all today! I am excited to hear from the rest of you about your talents, skills, and passions! 

In my rush to give you all the information today, there were a few things I forgot to mention:

ü  Turn off or silence cell phones during class. Because common sense.

ü  No laptops or ipads unless we are specifically using them. You may bring one, but it must be turned off and put away until I have us do in-class writing. Otherwise I get paranoid that you're on Instagram while I'm talking.

ü  Genre v. no genre—I prefer no genre for this class, as a rule, just because of my expertise.  I believe learning to write literary fiction will help you if you want to become a genre writer. I myself am a prime example of that. But I can be reasoned with. If you want to write genre, talk to me about it.

ü  See me before you kill off any characters.

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